
Let's face it.  We all get in a slump.  We all get down and frustrated.  We all feel like we just can't stay motivated anymore.  It doesn't matter if it's life, creativity, business, art, relationships, this happens to us all.  Listening to positive podcasts and audiobooks has been a game changer in keeping me positive and inspired in all aspects of my life.  If you don't have time to commit to an audiobook, podcasts are a great way to get shorter versions of inspiration while you work out, commute, or even clean your house.  Below is a list of some of my favorite audio files that keep me inspired and uplifted each day!  I hope it does the same for you too.  

1. Boss up! Podcast with Lindsay Teague Moreno | Lindsay gives great business advice in small bite size segments specifically geared towards the busy Momtrepreneur.  She shares a wine of the week (yes!) as well as keeps a great sense of humor with it all.  

2. Oprah's SuperSoul Conversations | Um, it's Oprah.  Queen of inspiration and awesomeness!  Here she interviews truly inspirational people from all walks of life and shares their stories with you.

3. From The Heart: Conversations with Yoga Girl | Whether you're a yoga fan or not, listening to Rachel talk about life and manifesting abundance can't help but make you grateful for what you have.  Her light just shines out of these conversations and they are contagious.

4. Sincerely, X | Hosted by the same people who do TED Talks, these are stories and interviews with people who feel like they need to stay anonymous but still want to share their story.  These are sometimes a little harder to listen to, they wrench at my heart, but so many important conversations on life, depression, and healing.

5. Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes | This book will have you laughing, dancing, and wanting to fight your demons.  Shonda's will to change her life is inspirational, honest, and hilarious.

6. Rising Strong by Brene Brown | Have you felt like your stuck in a middle season of your life?  Feel like you've had a set back or a fall and haven't climbed your way out yet?  Brene studies what it takes to rise strong and overcome tough times in our life by being vulnerable and courageous.

7. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert | While this book may seem like its geared more towards aspiring writers it also aspires to inspire anyone who wants to live a creative life.  

Here are a couple books that are my to read list that I'm sure I'll report back on later:
Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin
You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

Do you have some of your own podcasts or books that help you out of a funk?  Ones that just make you want to do and be better?  To live your best life?  I'd love to hear what keeps you inspired so feel free to comment below.  



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