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Winter Wonderland

I woke up this morning to freezing rain, super icy conditions, and almost busted my bum when I decided to "test" the road.  It's still pretty gross out there and since I live on a back road, it's taking a little while to clear up.  So while I enjoy my hot coco and snuggle with my kitties, I thought you might enjoy the beautiful sunrise that I experienced yesterday morning.



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While Visions of Sugar Plums...

Last week my good ol' pal Stephanie and I did some Christmas baking.  It was such a great time!  We baked, we mixed...we washed lots of dishes. My messy kitchen...

Wonderful peanut butter fudge.  Mmmm.  We accidentally forgot to check how much the recipe made, so we doubled it.  And we made 6 heard me 6lbs of peanut butter fudge.  If you need a fudge fix, stop by my house.

Stephanie working away.

These cheesecake cookies are fantastic, like unbelievable!

Cashew Brittle!

What's that Stephanie?  Your apron is amazing and it's only been 6 hrs since we started cooking?  Whew.  I need some peanut butter fudge.

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Christmas Tree, oh, Christmas Tree

I woke up this morning to snow.  I'm sure many of you did.  Snow in Knoxville, Tennessee though is a big deal.  People freak out a little bit about it, and not just like, "OOO snow!" more like, "We may get stuck in our houses forever."  There was not even an inch this morning, and by this afternoon it had all melted.  There were still hundreds of cars in the grocery store parking joke.  However, it was very pretty this morning and put me in a great holiday mood. This is what it looked like on my walk to work...

...I'm a very fast walker, but the guy in front of me was movin'.  It was really cold.

And of course all the morning commuters.

This is one of my favorite statues.  It's of a man rowing a boat, but the way the sculpture is done he is rowing it into pavement, and it looks almost like he is sinking.  The irony of this is that he is right outside the building where I work, and sometimes when I walk by I feel like I'm sinking in there too.  Ahem, in a non-emo way of course.

When it was snowing on Sunday, Speed Racer and I were tackling our Christmas decorations.  It was pretty perfect, Christmas carols were playing, christmas lights were not working, and the fire was beautiful and warm.

Ah, perfection.  I mean, the lights, not the handsome redheaded man right....there.  But I'm getting distracted.  It does puzzle me how every year you can buy new Christmas lights, when they are done put them into a safe, dry box, and then the next year half of them do not work.  What is the deal??  I want answers Christmas light industry.  In the end we went out and had to buy some more...these were gonners.

Now we just need the star!

These cute little owls are some of my favorite ornaments.  I got them at Le Target when we first moved here and I just think they are adorable.  They make me smile every time I see them.

Speed Racer on the other hand...

...thinks they are weird and creepy.  It's Christmas by gosh and it's not Christmas without...Christmas owwwwwllls???  As I say with most things, "Whatevs, I do what I want."  Le. End.