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Professional Portraits


LulaRoe with Jordan

Meet Jordan on the blog today!  Jordan is a LulaRoe consultant and one of the nicest people you will meet.  To hear more about her and her business head on over to the blog.


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Renee's Professional Headshots

IMG_7185 Professional Head shots are sometimes tricky I think.  We all want to look professional, be ourselves, and avoid some of the head shot posing traps from the 90s (hello power suit!).  When Renee asked me to update her head shots for her Real Estate business, I was absolutely flattered.  We worked hard together to make these professional, approachable, and uniquely Renee.


First I have to take a moment to brag on Renee.  Full disclosure, we're pretty tight.  After all, I have photographed her family and kids multiple times, including the birth of her son Orion.  So yeah, you could say we are close.  I cannot say enough good things about this woman.  I have watched her face multiple challenges head on with optimism, joy, grace, and determination including being a single Mom and raising two kids.


So when she told me she was becoming a Realtor I was overjoyed.  I cannot think of someone better suited to find you a HOME.  Because being a good Realtor is really more than finding a house, it's finding a neighborhood, it's working with your budget, it's thinking of your kids school districts, and it's shaping what you need to make a home during a very stressful time.



If you are in the Atlanta area, or about to move to the Atlanta area talk to Renee.  You won't regret it and moving (whether buying or renting) is going to be so much easier with her helping you every step of the way.

Renee Adams is a Keller Williams Agent in the Atlanta area:

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